© 2019 UniversoMLM

RECLAMACIONES TELEXFREE: Listados con nombres y cantidades de reclamaciones aprobadas y denegadas


El Fideicomisario Stephen B. Darr, nombrado al efecto para el caso de TelexFREE, una de las mayores estafas piramidales de los últimos años teniendo en cuenta el número de afectados, ha hecho pública dos listas, una con las personas a las cuales se les ha aprobado la reclamación y otra con las que le ha sido denegada dicha reclamación.

En principio este paso tiene un doble significado. Por un lado, que la Justicia no se ha olvidado del proceso dejando a los inversores desprotegidos y por otro, que gran parte de estos no recuperarán las cantidades invertidas en el esquema. Además, las personas indicadas en las reclamaciones aprobadas no recuperan la totalidad de las inversiones declaradas.

Todo está a punto de terminar

El proceso cada vez está más cerca de finalizarse y que se produzca definitivamente el reparto del dinero incautado a TelexFREE. Por el contrario, y dadas las fechas actuales, es muy difícil que este reparto se realice antes de que acabe el año 2018.

El listado de las reclamaciones rechazadas, viene determinado por la NO presentación de las Respuestas de la Reclamación a los Avisos de Resolución propuesta dentro de los treinta (30) días, según lo exigen los términos de la Orden.

Es decir, los distribuidores que en principio presentaron una reclamación, les fue denegada y posteriormente no presentaron documentación alguna.

Las listas hechas públicas sirven como un aviso final a los reclamantes. Después de otros veintiún días (a partir del 26 de noviembre), las reclamaciones serán denegadas sin ninguna posibilidad de recurso.

Gran número de países Afectados

En estos listados se puede apreciar atendiendo a los países de origen, entre los que se encuentran: Perú, China, EE.UU., Brasil, Colombia, Canadá, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Rep. Dominicana, España, Italia, México, Holanda, Nigeria, Panamá, Paraguay y otros, la globalización por la que se  extendió la pirámide TelexFREE.

Para saber si tu dinero será devuelto o no, deberás buscarte en los listados publicados. Para ello debes descargar todos los ficheros y buscar tu nombre en las listas.

Listados de reclamaciones aprobadas

Listados de reclamaciones denegadas

#1120 Seventy-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1119 Seventy-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1118 Seventieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1117 Sixty-Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1116 Sixty-Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1115 Sixty-Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1114 Sixty-Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1113 Sixty-Fifth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1112 Sixty-Fourth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1111 Sixty-Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1110 Sixty-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1109 Sixty-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1108 Sixtieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1107 Fifty-Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1106 Fifty-Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1105 Fifty-Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1104 Fifty-Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1103 Fifty-Fifth Notice of Claims Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1102 Fifty-Fourth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1101 Fifty-Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1100 Fifty-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1099 Fifty-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1098 Fiftieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1097 Forty-Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1096 Forty-Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1095 Forty-Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1094 Forty-Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1093 Forty-Fifth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1092 Forty-Fourth of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1091 Forty-Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1090 Forty-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1089 Forty-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1088 Fortieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1087 Thirty-Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1086 Thirty-Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1085 Thirty-Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1084 Thirty-Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1083 Thirty-Fifth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1082 Thirty-Fourth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1081 Thirty-Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1080 Thirty-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1079 Thirty-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1078 Thirtieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1077 Twenty-Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1076 Twenty-Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1075 Twenty-Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1074 Twenty-Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1073 Twenty-Fifth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1072 Twenty-Fourth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1071 Twenty-Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1070 Twenty-Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1069 Twenty-First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1068 Twentieth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1067 Nineteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1066 Eighteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1065 Seventeenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1064 Sixteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1063 Fifteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1062 Fourteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1061 Thirteenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1060 Twelfth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1059 Eleventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1058 Tenth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1057 Ninth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1056 Eighth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1055 Seventh Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1054 Sixth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1053 Fifth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1052 Fourth Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1051 Third Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1050 Second Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)
#1049 First Notice of Claim Disallowance (Filed by Trustee Stephen Darr)

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